Data visualization and analysis handbook (Apr 2019 v2)

Chart selection


  1. Data visualization check list
  2. Chart selection
  3. Examples of visualizations
  4. Examples of makeovers – from bad to good
  5. How to develop a story with visualizations
  6. Resources


Source: chart suggestions - a thought starter

The general data insight that corresponds to each data classification

Data Example Insight Chart type
Categorical Non-numeric data such as types of movies, books, or authors. Comparisons, proportions Vertical bar, column bar, horizontal bar, and bullet charts Pie, stacked bar, stacked 100% bar, stacked area, stacked 100% area, and a tree map
Univariate One numeric variable, such as book price Distributions, proportions, frequencies Histogram, density plot, and a boxplot
Geospatial Specific locations marked by the latitude and longitude, regions coded by zip code, city, state, country, or county boundaries Locations, comparisons, trends Choropleth filled-map, bubble map, point map, connection map, and isopleth map
Multivariate Two or more numeric variables, for example, weight, height, and IQ Relationships, proportions, comparisons Scatterplot, scatterplot matrix, bubble, parallel coordinates, radar, bullet, and a heat map.
Time series Years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, or date Trends, comparisons, cycles Line chart, sparkline, area, stream graph, as well as bubble, stacked-area, and vertical bar charts.
Text Single words or phrases, such as keywords from restaurant reviews on Yelp Sentiment, comparisons, frequency Word cloud, proportional area chart using size bubbles or squares, histogram, and bar chart
Edge lists or adjacency matrices Who contacts whom or who knows whom in a network Connections, relationships, tie strength, centrality, interactions Undirected network diagram and directed network diagram

Source: Sosulski, Kristen. Data Visualization Made Simple (Page 46). Taylor and Francis.