Binning data with Pandas qcut and cut

  • References:
  • Binning data
    • The concept of binning data can be best illustrated by Histogram that put data into equal-distance buckets (or bins)
    • Any data series can be binned either by equal distance (i.e. each bin has same distance) or by equal size (i.e. each bin has same number of samples)
    • In Pandas, there are 2 functions help with the binning data task, and they are qcut and cut
      • qcut: bins data into equal size bins, namely, each bin has same number of samples
      • cut: bins data into equal distinace bins, namely, the distance in each bins is the same but number of samples in each bin may be different.
  • Examples: the following script demostrates how to use qcut, cut, and combine these 2 functions with rolling
    • create equal size bins with qcut and plot bins in bar chart
    • create equal size bins with qcut, assign labels to each bin, and plot bins in bar chart
    • create equal-distance bins with cut and plot the bins (with bar chart)
    • create qual-distance bins with cut and rolling and plot the bins (with bar chart)
    • create equal-distance bins with cut and rolling, calculate the mean, and plot the bins (with bar chart)
    • create 5 equal-distance bins on rolling normalized data with rolling cut and plot the bins (with bar chart)

Load libraries and download data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import gc
import copy
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time, date
#this package is to download equity price data from yahoo finance
#the source code of this package can be found here:
import yfinance as yf
c:\python37\lib\site-packages\requests\ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.9) or chardet (5.0.0)/charset_normalizer (2.0.12) doesn't match a supported version!
df = yf.Ticker('GSK').history(period="max", start='2000-01-01')
Open High Low Close Volume Dividends Stock Splits
1999-12-31 19.986372 20.053291 19.897147 19.941759 136724 0.0 0.0
2000-01-03 19.964064 20.097900 19.629470 19.830227 545423 0.0 0.0
2000-01-04 19.830232 19.830232 19.272575 19.317188 360150 0.0 0.0
2000-01-05 19.584855 19.964060 19.451017 19.964060 472451 0.0 0.0
2000-01-06 19.763303 19.807915 19.272565 19.674078 837407 0.0 0.0


df['Close'].hist(bins=5, figsize=(6, 4), grid=False)


Create equal-sized bins (same number of samples in each bin) with qcut

create 5 equal-size bins and plot the bins (with bar chart)

#create 10 equal-size bins
df['qcut'] = pd.qcut(df['Close'], q=5)
1999-12-31    (19.489, 22.421]
2000-01-03    (19.489, 22.421]
2000-01-04    (12.705, 19.489]
2000-01-05    (19.489, 22.421]
2000-01-06    (19.489, 22.421]
2022-08-17     (33.281, 46.85]
2022-08-18     (33.281, 46.85]
2022-08-19     (33.281, 46.85]
2022-08-22     (33.281, 46.85]
2022-08-23     (33.281, 46.85]
Name: qcut, Length: 5698, dtype: category
Categories (5, interval[float64, right]): [(12.705, 19.489] < (19.489, 22.421] < (22.421, 28.357] < (28.357, 33.281] < (33.281, 46.85]]
(12.705, 19.489]    1140
(22.421, 28.357]    1140
(33.281, 46.85]     1140
(19.489, 22.421]    1139
(28.357, 33.281]    1139
Name: qcut, dtype: int64
df['qcut'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(6, 4), grid=False)


create 5 equal-size bins, assign label to each bin and plot the bins (with bar chart)

#create 10 equal-size bins
df['qcut'] = pd.qcut(df['Close'], q=5, labels = [f'bin{i+1}' for i in range(5)])
1999-12-31    bin2
2000-01-03    bin2
2000-01-04    bin1
2000-01-05    bin2
2000-01-06    bin2
2022-08-17    bin5
2022-08-18    bin5
2022-08-19    bin5
2022-08-22    bin5
2022-08-23    bin5
Name: qcut, Length: 5698, dtype: category
Categories (5, object): ['bin1' < 'bin2' < 'bin3' < 'bin4' < 'bin5']
bin1    1140
bin2    1139
bin3    1140
bin4    1139
bin5    1140
Name: qcut, dtype: int64
df['qcut'].value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(6, 4), grid=False)


Create equal-distance bins (same distant but different number of samples in each bin) with cut

create 5 equal-distance bins and plot the bins (with bar chart)

df['cut'] = pd.cut(df['Close'], bins=5, labels = [f'range{i+1}' for i in range(5)])
1999-12-31    range2
2000-01-03    range2
2000-01-04    range1
2000-01-05    range2
2000-01-06    range2
2022-08-17    range4
2022-08-18    range4
2022-08-19    range4
2022-08-22    range4
2022-08-23    range4
Name: cut, Length: 5698, dtype: category
Categories (5, object): ['range1' < 'range2' < 'range3' < 'range4' < 'range5']


create 5 equal-distance bins with rolling and plot the bins (with bar chart)

df['roll_cut'] = df['Close'].rolling(100, 100).apply(lambda x: pd.cut(x, bins=5, labels = [i+1 for i in range(5)])[-1])


create 5 equal-distance bins with rolling, calculate the mean, and plot the bins (with bar chart)

df['roll_cut_mean'] = df['Close'].rolling(100, 100).apply(lambda x: x[pd.cut(x, bins=5, labels = [i+1 for i in range(5)])==1].mean())

create 5 equal-distance bins on rolling normalized data with rolling cut and plot the bins (with bar chart)

df['roll_norm_close'] = df['Close'].rolling(100, 100).apply(lambda x: (x.mean()-x[-1])/x.std())
df[['Close', 'roll_norm_close']].plot(figsize=(14, 6), secondary_y = ['roll_norm_close'], grid=True)
df['roll_norm_close_cut'] = df['roll_norm_close'].rolling(100, 100).apply(lambda x: pd.cut(x, bins=5, labels = [i+1 for i in range(5)])[-1])
df['roll_norm_close_cut'].value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='bar', title='roll_norm_close_cut')
df['Close'].plot(kind='hist', bins=5, title='Close')