Exploratory data analysis of AMEX Default Prediction Train Data using Dask

Jul 9, 2022

original file is my public notebook on Kaggle:

  • https://www.kaggle.com/code/xxxxyyyy80008/amex-default-prediction-eda-of-train-data

This notebook analyzes the train data in the following areas:

  • general information:
    • file size, number of samples, number of features, data type of each feature.
  • statistics
    • missing values: features with too many missing values should be dropped.
    • for categorical features: distribution of samples in each category.
    • numeric features: distribution of data .
      • plot out histgraph of both the original data and log tranformed data
      • plot the log transformed data will help the check if a feature will benefit from log transformation

key notes:

  • train label file has 458,913 rows for 458,913 unique customer ID
  • train data file has 5,531,451 rows for 458,913 unique customer ID
  • customer_ID is the key to connect train label and data
  • in train data:
  • there are a total of 190 columns, including key column 'customer_ID' and date column 'S_2'
  • a customer_ID has at most 13 rows of data
# This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed
# It is defined by the kaggle/python Docker image: https://github.com/kaggle/docker-python
# For example, here's several helpful packages to load

import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)

# Input data files are available in the read-only "../input/" directory
# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list all files under the input directory

import os
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):
    for filename in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))

# You can write up to 20GB to the current directory (/kaggle/working/) that gets preserved as output when you create a version using "Save & Run All" 
# You can also write temporary files to /kaggle/temp/, but they won't be saved outside of the current session
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import gc
import copy
import os
import sys

from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
from dateutil import relativedelta

import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import pyarrow as pa

import dask.dataframe as dd
import warnings

pd.options.display.max_rows = 100
pd.options.display.max_columns = 100

import pytorch_lightning as pl
chunksize = 100
train_file = '/kaggle/input/amex-default-prediction/train_data.csv'
with pd.read_csv(train_file, chunksize=chunksize) as reader:
    for i, chunk in enumerate(reader):
CPU times: user 11.3 ms, sys: 7.81 ms, total: 19.1 ms
Wall time: 18.1 ms
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Columns: 190 entries, customer_ID to D_145
dtypes: float64(185), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 148.6+ KB
all_cols = chunk.columns.tolist()
#cat feats based on information from this page: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/amex-default-prediction/data
cat_feats = ['B_30', 'B_38', 'D_114', 'D_116', 'D_117', 'D_120', 'D_126', 'D_63', 'D_64', 'D_66', 'D_68']
print(len(all_cols)), print(all_cols)
print(len(cat_feats)), print(cat_feats)
['customer_ID', 'S_2', 'P_2', 'D_39', 'B_1', 'B_2', 'R_1', 'S_3', 'D_41', 'B_3', 'D_42', 'D_43', 'D_44', 'B_4', 'D_45', 'B_5', 'R_2', 'D_46', 'D_47', 'D_48', 'D_49', 'B_6', 'B_7', 'B_8', 'D_50', 'D_51', 'B_9', 'R_3', 'D_52', 'P_3', 'B_10', 'D_53', 'S_5', 'B_11', 'S_6', 'D_54', 'R_4', 'S_7', 'B_12', 'S_8', 'D_55', 'D_56', 'B_13', 'R_5', 'D_58', 'S_9', 'B_14', 'D_59', 'D_60', 'D_61', 'B_15', 'S_11', 'D_62', 'D_63', 'D_64', 'D_65', 'B_16', 'B_17', 'B_18', 'B_19', 'D_66', 'B_20', 'D_68', 'S_12', 'R_6', 'S_13', 'B_21', 'D_69', 'B_22', 'D_70', 'D_71', 'D_72', 'S_15', 'B_23', 'D_73', 'P_4', 'D_74', 'D_75', 'D_76', 'B_24', 'R_7', 'D_77', 'B_25', 'B_26', 'D_78', 'D_79', 'R_8', 'R_9', 'S_16', 'D_80', 'R_10', 'R_11', 'B_27', 'D_81', 'D_82', 'S_17', 'R_12', 'B_28', 'R_13', 'D_83', 'R_14', 'R_15', 'D_84', 'R_16', 'B_29', 'B_30', 'S_18', 'D_86', 'D_87', 'R_17', 'R_18', 'D_88', 'B_31', 'S_19', 'R_19', 'B_32', 'S_20', 'R_20', 'R_21', 'B_33', 'D_89', 'R_22', 'R_23', 'D_91', 'D_92', 'D_93', 'D_94', 'R_24', 'R_25', 'D_96', 'S_22', 'S_23', 'S_24', 'S_25', 'S_26', 'D_102', 'D_103', 'D_104', 'D_105', 'D_106', 'D_107', 'B_36', 'B_37', 'R_26', 'R_27', 'B_38', 'D_108', 'D_109', 'D_110', 'D_111', 'B_39', 'D_112', 'B_40', 'S_27', 'D_113', 'D_114', 'D_115', 'D_116', 'D_117', 'D_118', 'D_119', 'D_120', 'D_121', 'D_122', 'D_123', 'D_124', 'D_125', 'D_126', 'D_127', 'D_128', 'D_129', 'B_41', 'B_42', 'D_130', 'D_131', 'D_132', 'D_133', 'R_28', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'D_139', 'D_140', 'D_141', 'D_142', 'D_143', 'D_144', 'D_145']
['B_30', 'B_38', 'D_114', 'D_116', 'D_117', 'D_120', 'D_126', 'D_63', 'D_64', 'D_66', 'D_68']

(None, None)

load the train parquet file

train_labels = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/amex-default-prediction/train_labels.csv')
(458913, 2)
customer_ID target
0 0000099d6bd597052cdcda90ffabf56573fe9d7c79be5f... 0
1 00000fd6641609c6ece5454664794f0340ad84dddce9a2... 0
CPU times: user 638 ms, sys: 207 ms, total: 844 ms
Wall time: 843 ms
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 458913 entries, 0 to 458912
Data columns (total 2 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count   Dtype 
---  ------       --------------   ----- 
 0   customer_ID  458913 non-null  object
 1   target       458913 non-null  int64 
dtypes: int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 7.0+ MB

calcuate the na cnt

train_file = '/kaggle/input/amex-train-20220706/train.parquet'
CPU times: user 3 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 4 µs
Wall time: 15.5 µs

%%time df = pd.read_parquet(train_file, columns=[‘customer_ID'], engine='pyarrow')

df = dd.read_parquet(train_file, columns=['customer_ID'], engine='pyarrow')
total_cnt = df.count().compute().values[0]
unique_cnt = df.compute().nunique().values[0]
print(total_cnt, unique_cnt)

del df
5531451 458913
CPU times: user 4.32 s, sys: 2.24 s, total: 6.56 s
Wall time: 6.43 s

data_types = []
for c in all_cols:
    df = dd.read_parquet(train_file, columns=[c], engine='pyarrow')
    data_types.append([c, df.dtypes.values[0], df.isna().sum().compute().values[0], df.nunique().compute().values[0]])
    del df
CPU times: user 6min 9s, sys: 52.4 s, total: 7min 1s
Wall time: 8min 5s
nacnt = pd.DataFrame(data_types, columns=['feat', 'dtype', 'na_cnt', 'nunique'])
nacnt['na_pct'] = 100*nacnt['na_cnt']/total_cnt
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 190 entries, 108 to 95
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   feat     190 non-null    object 
 1   dtype    190 non-null    object 
 2   na_cnt   190 non-null    int64  
 3   nunique  190 non-null    int64  
 4   na_pct   190 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 8.9+ KB
nacnt.to_csv('nacnt.csv', sep='|', index=False) #save data into a csv file for later use
CPU times: user 4.03 ms, sys: 2.86 ms, total: 6.88 ms
Wall time: 10.2 ms
float32    185
object       4
int32        1
Name: dtype, dtype: int64


base on unique number of values per feature to potential categorical feature list
  • D_87 : has only one unique value but most samples have missing values. thus this feature should not be considered as categorical features and will be dropped.
  • B_31: has no missing value and only two possible values. this feature will be considered as a categorical feature
feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
53 D_63 object 0 6 0.000000
54 D_64 object 217442 4 3.931012
60 D_66 float32 4908097 2 88.730733
62 D_68 float32 216503 7 3.914036
105 B_30 float32 2016 3 0.036446
108 D_87 float32 5527586 1 99.930127
112 B_31 int32 0 2 0.000000
145 B_38 float32 2016 7 0.036446
155 D_114 float32 176716 2 3.194749
157 D_116 float32 176716 2 3.194749
158 D_117 float32 176716 7 3.194749
161 D_120 float32 176716 2 3.194749
167 D_126 float32 116816 3 2.111851
potential_cat_feats = nacnt[nacnt['nunique']<=100]['feat'].values.tolist()
['D_63', 'D_64', 'D_66', 'D_68', 'B_30', 'D_87', 'B_31', 'B_38', 'D_114', 'D_116', 'D_117', 'D_120', 'D_126']
{'B_31', 'D_87'}

missing values

  • features with too much missing values will be dropped
  • >=80% samples missing value: 23 features
  • missing80 = ['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142']
  • >=50% samples missing value: 30 features
  • missing50 = ['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142', 'D_53', 'D_82', 'D_50', 'B_17', 'D_105', 'D_56', 'S_9']
  • >=20% samples missing value: 34 features
  • missing20 = ['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142', 'D_53', 'D_82', 'D_50', 'B_17', 'D_105', 'D_56', 'S_9', 'D_77', 'D_43', 'S_27', 'D_46']
  • >=10% samples missing value: 39 fatures
  • missing10 = ['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142', 'D_53', 'D_82', 'D_50', 'B_17', 'D_105', 'D_56', 'S_9', 'D_77', 'D_43', 'S_27', 'D_46', 'S_7', 'S_3', 'D_62', 'D_48', 'D_61']
nacnt.sort_values(by='na_pct', ascending=False, inplace=True)
feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
108 D_87 float32 5527586 1 99.930127
111 D_88 float32 5525447 6004 99.891457
146 D_108 float32 5502513 28902 99.476846
149 D_111 float32 5500117 27968 99.433530
148 D_110 float32 5500117 30406 99.433530
150 B_39 float32 5497819 33557 99.391986
74 D_73 float32 5475595 55802 98.990211
172 B_42 float32 5459973 71434 98.707789
178 D_134 float32 5336752 192523 96.480146
179 D_135 float32 5336752 193754 96.480146
180 D_136 float32 5336752 175899 96.480146
181 D_137 float32 5336752 193810 96.480146
182 D_138 float32 5336752 186987 96.480146
87 R_9 float32 5218918 278226 94.349891
104 B_29 float32 5150035 378319 93.104594
139 D_106 float32 4990102 526748 90.213255
175 D_132 float32 4988874 538748 90.191055
20 D_49 float32 4985917 540617 90.137597
143 R_26 float32 4922146 601763 88.984717
78 D_76 float32 4908954 619107 88.746226
missing80 = nacnt[nacnt['na_pct']>=80]['feat'].values.tolist()
print('number of features with >=80% samples missing values: ', len(missing80))
(23, 5)
number of features with >=80% samples missing values:  23
['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142']
feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
108 D_87 float32 5527586 1 99.930127
111 D_88 float32 5525447 6004 99.891457
146 D_108 float32 5502513 28902 99.476846
149 D_111 float32 5500117 27968 99.433530
148 D_110 float32 5500117 30406 99.433530
150 B_39 float32 5497819 33557 99.391986
74 D_73 float32 5475595 55802 98.990211
172 B_42 float32 5459973 71434 98.707789
178 D_134 float32 5336752 192523 96.480146
179 D_135 float32 5336752 193754 96.480146
180 D_136 float32 5336752 175899 96.480146
181 D_137 float32 5336752 193810 96.480146
182 D_138 float32 5336752 186987 96.480146
87 R_9 float32 5218918 278226 94.349891
104 B_29 float32 5150035 378319 93.104594
139 D_106 float32 4990102 526748 90.213255
175 D_132 float32 4988874 538748 90.191055
20 D_49 float32 4985917 540617 90.137597
143 R_26 float32 4922146 601763 88.984717
78 D_76 float32 4908954 619107 88.746226
60 D_66 float32 4908097 2 88.730733
10 D_42 float32 4740137 785339 85.694278
186 D_142 float32 4587043 926344 82.926577
missing50 = nacnt[nacnt['na_pct']>=50]['feat'].values.tolist()
print('number of features with >=50% samples missing values: ', len(missing50))
(30, 5)
number of features with >=50% samples missing values:  30
['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142', 'D_53', 'D_82', 'D_50', 'B_17', 'D_105', 'D_56', 'S_9']
feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
108 D_87 float32 5527586 1 99.930127
111 D_88 float32 5525447 6004 99.891457
146 D_108 float32 5502513 28902 99.476846
149 D_111 float32 5500117 27968 99.433530
148 D_110 float32 5500117 30406 99.433530
150 B_39 float32 5497819 33557 99.391986
74 D_73 float32 5475595 55802 98.990211
172 B_42 float32 5459973 71434 98.707789
178 D_134 float32 5336752 192523 96.480146
179 D_135 float32 5336752 193754 96.480146
180 D_136 float32 5336752 175899 96.480146
181 D_137 float32 5336752 193810 96.480146
182 D_138 float32 5336752 186987 96.480146
87 R_9 float32 5218918 278226 94.349891
104 B_29 float32 5150035 378319 93.104594
139 D_106 float32 4990102 526748 90.213255
175 D_132 float32 4988874 538748 90.191055
20 D_49 float32 4985917 540617 90.137597
143 R_26 float32 4922146 601763 88.984717
78 D_76 float32 4908954 619107 88.746226
60 D_66 float32 4908097 2 88.730733
10 D_42 float32 4740137 785339 85.694278
186 D_142 float32 4587043 926344 82.926577
31 D_53 float32 4084585 1428989 73.842921
94 D_82 float32 4058614 377661 73.373406
24 D_50 float32 3142402 2306378 56.809723
57 B_17 float32 3137598 1592707 56.722874
138 D_105 float32 3021431 2414778 54.622756
41 D_56 float32 2990943 2446769 54.071581
45 S_9 float32 2933643 2531874 53.035686
missing20 = nacnt[nacnt['na_pct']>=20]['feat'].values.tolist()
print('number of features with >=20% samples missing values: ', len(missing20))
(34, 5)
number of features with >=20% samples missing values:  34
['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142', 'D_53', 'D_82', 'D_50', 'B_17', 'D_105', 'D_56', 'S_9', 'D_77', 'D_43', 'S_27', 'D_46']
feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
108 D_87 float32 5527586 1 99.930127
111 D_88 float32 5525447 6004 99.891457
146 D_108 float32 5502513 28902 99.476846
149 D_111 float32 5500117 27968 99.433530
148 D_110 float32 5500117 30406 99.433530
150 B_39 float32 5497819 33557 99.391986
74 D_73 float32 5475595 55802 98.990211
172 B_42 float32 5459973 71434 98.707789
178 D_134 float32 5336752 192523 96.480146
179 D_135 float32 5336752 193754 96.480146
180 D_136 float32 5336752 175899 96.480146
181 D_137 float32 5336752 193810 96.480146
182 D_138 float32 5336752 186987 96.480146
87 R_9 float32 5218918 278226 94.349891
104 B_29 float32 5150035 378319 93.104594
139 D_106 float32 4990102 526748 90.213255
175 D_132 float32 4988874 538748 90.191055
20 D_49 float32 4985917 540617 90.137597
143 R_26 float32 4922146 601763 88.984717
78 D_76 float32 4908954 619107 88.746226
60 D_66 float32 4908097 2 88.730733
10 D_42 float32 4740137 785339 85.694278
186 D_142 float32 4587043 926344 82.926577
31 D_53 float32 4084585 1428989 73.842921
94 D_82 float32 4058614 377661 73.373406
24 D_50 float32 3142402 2306378 56.809723
57 B_17 float32 3137598 1592707 56.722874
138 D_105 float32 3021431 2414778 54.622756
41 D_56 float32 2990943 2446769 54.071581
45 S_9 float32 2933643 2531874 53.035686
81 D_77 float32 2513912 2859646 45.447605
11 D_43 float32 1658396 3708893 29.981211
153 S_27 float32 1400935 3885609 25.326718
17 D_46 float32 1211699 3388402 21.905627
missing10 = nacnt[nacnt['na_pct']>=10]['feat'].values.tolist()
print('number of features with >=10% samples missing values: ', len(missing10))
(39, 5)
number of features with >=10% samples missing values:  39
['D_87', 'D_88', 'D_108', 'D_111', 'D_110', 'B_39', 'D_73', 'B_42', 'D_134', 'D_135', 'D_136', 'D_137', 'D_138', 'R_9', 'B_29', 'D_106', 'D_132', 'D_49', 'R_26', 'D_76', 'D_66', 'D_42', 'D_142', 'D_53', 'D_82', 'D_50', 'B_17', 'D_105', 'D_56', 'S_9', 'D_77', 'D_43', 'S_27', 'D_46', 'S_7', 'S_3', 'D_62', 'D_48', 'D_61']
feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
108 D_87 float32 5527586 1 99.930127
111 D_88 float32 5525447 6004 99.891457
146 D_108 float32 5502513 28902 99.476846
149 D_111 float32 5500117 27968 99.433530
148 D_110 float32 5500117 30406 99.433530
150 B_39 float32 5497819 33557 99.391986
74 D_73 float32 5475595 55802 98.990211
172 B_42 float32 5459973 71434 98.707789
178 D_134 float32 5336752 192523 96.480146
179 D_135 float32 5336752 193754 96.480146
180 D_136 float32 5336752 175899 96.480146
181 D_137 float32 5336752 193810 96.480146
182 D_138 float32 5336752 186987 96.480146
87 R_9 float32 5218918 278226 94.349891
104 B_29 float32 5150035 378319 93.104594
139 D_106 float32 4990102 526748 90.213255
175 D_132 float32 4988874 538748 90.191055
20 D_49 float32 4985917 540617 90.137597
143 R_26 float32 4922146 601763 88.984717
78 D_76 float32 4908954 619107 88.746226
60 D_66 float32 4908097 2 88.730733
10 D_42 float32 4740137 785339 85.694278
186 D_142 float32 4587043 926344 82.926577
31 D_53 float32 4084585 1428989 73.842921
94 D_82 float32 4058614 377661 73.373406
24 D_50 float32 3142402 2306378 56.809723
57 B_17 float32 3137598 1592707 56.722874
138 D_105 float32 3021431 2414778 54.622756
41 D_56 float32 2990943 2446769 54.071581
45 S_9 float32 2933643 2531874 53.035686
81 D_77 float32 2513912 2859646 45.447605
11 D_43 float32 1658396 3708893 29.981211
153 S_27 float32 1400935 3885609 25.326718
17 D_46 float32 1211699 3388402 21.905627
37 S_7 float32 1020544 4185390 18.449843
7 S_3 float32 1020544 4004312 18.449843
52 D_62 float32 758161 4519358 13.706367
19 D_48 float32 718725 4534865 12.993426
49 D_61 float32 598052 4529133 10.811847

categorical features

cat_feats = ['B_30', 'B_38', 'D_114', 'D_116', 'D_117', 'D_120', 'D_126', 'D_63', 'D_64', 'D_66', 'D_68']
for c in cat_feats:
    df = dd.read_parquet(train_file, columns=[c], engine='pyarrow')
    print(c, '-'*100)
    del df
B_30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0.0    4710663
1.0     763955
2.0      54817
Name: B_30, dtype: int64

B_38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.0    1160047
2.0    1953232
3.0    1255315
4.0     294917
5.0     444856
6.0     162040
7.0     259028
Name: B_38, dtype: int64

D_114 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0.0    2038257
1.0    3316478
Name: D_114, dtype: int64

D_116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0.0    5348109
1.0       6626
Name: D_116, dtype: int64

D_117 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-1.0    1456084
 1.0     122967
 2.0     666808
 3.0    1166400
 4.0    1138666
 5.0     459290
 6.0     344520
Name: D_117, dtype: int64

D_120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0.0    4729723
1.0     625012
Name: D_120, dtype: int64

D_126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-1.0     260898
 0.0     891323
 1.0    4262414
Name: D_126, dtype: int64

D_63 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CL     438390
CO    4119621
CR     930133
XL       6965
XM      10556
XZ      25786
Name: D_63, dtype: int64

D_64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-1      37205
O     2913244
R      840112
U     1523448
Name: D_64, dtype: int64

D_66 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0.0      6288
1.0    617066
Name: D_66, dtype: int64

D_68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0.0      15925
1.0     133122
2.0     220111
3.0     484442
4.0     477187
5.0    1201706
6.0    2782455
Name: D_68, dtype: int64

CPU times: user 8.76 s, sys: 1.13 s, total: 9.89 s
Wall time: 9.76 s

object features

  • customer_ID: customer id.
  • S_2: date
  • D_63, D_64: categorical features
['D_64' 'customer_ID' 'D_63' 'S_2']
for c in nacnt[nacnt['dtype']=='object']['feat'].values:
    df = dd.read_parquet(train_file, columns=[c], engine='pyarrow')
    print(c, '-'*100)
    if c=='customer_ID':
        t = df[c].value_counts().compute()
    del df
D_64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 O
1 O
2 O
3 O
4 O
customer_ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 2e3fc76a68eeae6697b0a6b10f9288b7acaa678bbf99cd...
1 2e3fc76a68eeae6697b0a6b10f9288b7acaa678bbf99cd...
2 2e3fc76a68eeae6697b0a6b10f9288b7acaa678bbf99cd...
3 2e3fc76a68eeae6697b0a6b10f9288b7acaa678bbf99cd...
4 2e3fc76a68eeae6697b0a6b10f9288b7acaa678bbf99cd...
13    386034
12     10623
10      6721
9       6411
8       6110
2       6098
11      5961
3       5778
6       5515
7       5198
1       5120
4       4673
5       4671
Name: customer_ID, dtype: int64
D_63 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 CR
1 CR
2 CR
3 CR
4 CR
S_2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 2017-04-28
1 2017-05-25
2 2017-06-23
3 2017-07-29
4 2017-08-20
CPU times: user 9 s, sys: 3.34 s, total: 12.3 s
Wall time: 12.9 s

int features

  • only one feature is int type: B_31
  • this feature should be treated as categorical feature as well
for c in nacnt[nacnt['dtype']=='int32']['feat'].values:
    df = dd.read_parquet(train_file, columns=[c], engine='pyarrow')
    del df
0      16907
1    5514544
Name: B_31, dtype: int64

CPU times: user 502 ms, sys: 52.3 ms, total: 555 ms
Wall time: 561 ms

float features

feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
108 D_87 float32 5527586 1 99.930127
111 D_88 float32 5525447 6004 99.891457
nacnt[(nacnt['dtype']=='float32') & (nacnt['nunique']>100) & (nacnt['na_pct']<20)]
feat dtype na_cnt nunique na_pct
37 S_7 float32 1020544 4185390 18.449843
7 S_3 float32 1020544 4004312 18.449843
52 D_62 float32 758161 4519358 13.706367
19 D_48 float32 718725 4534865 12.993426
49 D_61 float32 598052 4529133 10.811847
... ... ... ... ... ...
79 B_24 float32 0 4960342 0.000000
77 D_75 float32 0 4446618 0.000000
75 P_4 float32 0 4702565 0.000000
73 B_23 float32 0 5300841 0.000000
95 S_17 float32 0 4996175 0.000000

143 rows × 5 columns

cat_feats = cat_feats + ['B_31']
['B_30', 'B_38', 'D_114', 'D_116', 'D_117', 'D_120', 'D_126', 'D_63', 'D_64', 'D_66', 'D_68']
['B_30', 'B_38', 'D_114', 'D_116', 'D_117', 'D_120', 'D_126', 'D_63', 'D_64', 'D_66', 'D_68', 'B_31']
float_feats = nacnt[nacnt['dtype']=='float32']['feat'].values.tolist()
float_feats = list((set(float_feats) - set(cat_feats)) - set(missing20) )
['R_17', 'B_40', 'R_27', 'S_18', 'B_13', 'B_33', 'R_20', 'S_6', 'R_23', 'R_16', 'B_24', 'D_125', 'D_44', 'D_91', 'D_71', 'P_2', 'B_15', 'D_103', 'S_12', 'D_144', 'D_123', 'D_94', 'D_70', 'D_39', 'P_4', 'S_23', 'R_12', 'S_5', 'D_72', 'B_27', 'B_6', 'D_89', 'D_143', 'D_80', 'B_3', 'B_28', 'R_11', 'B_14', 'B_1', 'D_124', 'D_109', 'B_25', 'B_36', 'B_5', 'B_18', 'D_61', 'R_13', 'B_37', 'S_7', 'D_104', 'B_26', 'B_4', 'R_6', 'D_133', 'B_21', 'S_19', 'D_115', 'R_18', 'D_45', 'D_69', 'S_24', 'D_84', 'S_17', 'B_12', 'D_52', 'R_24', 'D_127', 'R_14', 'D_113', 'D_83', 'D_141', 'B_10', 'S_22', 'D_96', 'R_15', 'S_25', 'D_54', 'D_60', 'D_59', 'S_11', 'R_8', 'D_74', 'R_4', 'D_118', 'D_62', 'B_7', 'S_15', 'B_2', 'R_28', 'S_26', 'D_119', 'D_86', 'D_81', 'D_93', 'R_3', 'B_16', 'B_9', 'D_107', 'D_78', 'D_140', 'S_13', 'B_11', 'D_47', 'R_1', 'D_55', 'R_22', 'D_102', 'D_112', 'D_131', 'B_32', 'R_10', 'R_7', 'R_19', 'D_41', 'D_130', 'B_23', 'R_5', 'D_121', 'B_19', 'P_3', 'B_8', 'D_79', 'D_122', 'S_3', 'R_25', 'D_92', 'D_58', 'D_51', 'B_41', 'S_8', 'B_22', 'D_139', 'R_2', 'D_48', 'D_145', 'D_129', 'B_20', 'S_16', 'S_20', 'D_128', 'D_75', 'D_65', 'R_21']
#features with negative values will not have the log transform plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

float_stats = []

ncols = 4
nrows = math.ceil(len(float_feats)*2/ncols)
# nrows = math.ceil(50*2/ncols)
# ncols = 4
# nrows = math.ceil(10*2/ncols)
#fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20, 360))

for i, c in enumerate(float_feats):
    df = dd.read_parquet(train_file, columns=[c], engine='pyarrow')
    #--calculate the stats ----------
    item = [c, df[c].compute().min(), df[c].compute().max(), df[c].compute().mean(), df[c].compute().std(), df[c].compute().median(), df[c].compute().skew()]
    for q in [0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95]:

    #--plot the graph------------------
    df[c].compute().plot(ax=axes[i//2, (i%2)*2], kind='hist', bins=50)
    axes[i//2, (i%2)*2].set_title(f'{c}')
    if df.compute().min().values[0]>0:
        df[c].compute().transform(np.log).plot(ax=axes[i//2,(i%2)*2 + 1], kind='hist', bins=50)
        axes[i//2,(i%2)*2 + 1].set_title(f'log of {c}')

    del df

CPU times: user 15min 51s, sys: 1min 56s, total: 17min 47s
Wall time: 17min 41s


float_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(data=float_stats, 
                              columns=['feat', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'median', 'skew', 
                                       'quantile0.05', 'quantile0.15', 'quantile0.25', 'quantile0.75', 'quantile0.85', 'quantile0.95'])
feat min max mean std median skew quantile0.05 quantile0.15 quantile0.25 quantile0.75 quantile0.85 quantile0.95
0 R_17 1.066114e-09 1.001528 0.005319 0.006380 0.005031 26.054792 0.000503 0.001511 0.002519 0.007544 0.008551 0.009559
1 B_40 1.201275e-08 5755.076172 0.203261 8.081345 0.058309 475.881531 0.003281 0.008622 0.017393 0.245154 0.402013 0.630622
2 R_27 -2.571099e-02 1.010000 0.893695 0.312307 1.004365 -2.449320 0.015879 1.000420 1.001545 1.007182 1.008310 1.009437
3 S_18 4.075928e-11 1.010000 0.031466 0.160546 0.005134 5.897257 0.000512 0.001542 0.002571 0.007701 0.008730 0.009757
4 B_13 1.905850e-08 276.177826 0.100716 0.559384 0.029314 177.815186 0.002531 0.006215 0.009255 0.089415 0.151466 0.349563
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
138 S_20 6.887991e-10 1.010000 0.017487 0.111088 0.005062 8.771165 0.000506 0.001521 0.002533 0.007592 0.008605 0.009619
139 D_128 3.235349e-09 1.023472 0.584121 0.493150 1.000419 -0.322798 0.001188 0.003570 0.005949 1.004735 1.006463 1.008185
140 D_75 1.120811e-09 4.275118 0.171199 0.224214 0.074370 2.284789 0.001344 0.004032 0.006720 0.268856 0.342966 0.607340
141 D_65 3.539404e-09 385.901642 0.039764 0.473098 0.005223 259.727264 0.000521 0.001568 0.002611 0.007836 0.008881 0.009927
142 R_21 3.646872e-09 1.010000 0.021610 0.127847 0.005081 7.558036 0.000509 0.001523 0.002537 0.007624 0.008642 0.009661

143 rows × 13 columns

float_stats_df.to_csv('float_stats.csv', sep='|', index=False)