How to install minepy pacakge for Max Information Coefficient (MIC)

  • minepy package provides a library for the Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration (MIC and MINE family).
  • the installation of minepy is a bit tricky in windows environment.
  • here is a quick guide on installing the package

Using the installation command pip install minepy gives error message.


My solution is to install using wheel file. The file can be downloaded here:


It is very important to download a file that matches with your python version. Otherwise the installation will fail. For example, my python version is 3.6, so I downloaded the whl file with 36 in file name.


If you download the file that does not match with your python version, you will get error message. For example, I have Python 3.7 on another machine and I tried a few files.
