How to set up a python virtual environment on a Windows machine

Jun 30, 2022


venv — Creation of virtual environments


1. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the virtual environment
  • Open command window
  • Change to directory to destination folder.

    For example, run a few lines of cd commands as shown in the following screenshot to navigate to the ‘Documents' folder title

2. Run command to create a virtual environment
  • run command: py -3.7 -m venv env37
    • py -3.7 indicates creating a virtual enviroment in python verions 3.7. if you are working in python 3.9, then the command is py -3.9 -m venv env37
    • env37 is the name of the new virtual environment. You can change it to whatever name of your choice, for example, it could be envaaa, and in this case the command is: py -3.7 -m venv envaaa
    • after this command is run successfully, a new folder is created in your destination folder. The name of the new folder is the same as the environment name. title title
  1. Activate the virtual environment
    • run command: env37\Scripts\activate.bat

      after activating the new environment, you can install packages. for example, run pip install scikit-learn==1.0.1 to install scikit learn package version 1.0.1. title or you can open jupyter notebook by typing jupyter notebook in command line title

  2. Deactivate the virtual environment
    • run command: deactivate

      title title