Quick walk through of tsfresh with financial data (Part III)

tsfresh official document page: tsfresh

This notebook uses functions in tsfresh package to create features and select features on financial time series data.

functions in tsfresh package

  • roll_time_series function: prepare financial time series data to the format of data that can be fed into extract_features function. reference

  • extract_features function: a function that generates hundreds of features from raw time series data. reference
  • feature_calculators module: it includes functions such as abs_energy and absolute_sum_of_changes. All the features that can be generated via extract_features function can be individually generated via functions in this module. reference

  • impute function: impute missing values in generated features. reference

  • select_features function: select features of high importance to y (i.e. target variable). reference

outline of this notebook

  1. download data from yahoo finance: download files of two tickers (PFE and GSK)
  2. load raw csv file: combine two raw csv file into one pandas dataframe, create id column, and sort the data by Date in ascending order.
  3. prepare data by roll_time_series and create features via extract_features.
  4. impute function and deal with missing value
  5. create y (the target variable)
  6. select features by select_features function
  7. save data

1. download data from yahoo finance

In this notebook, I will use Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) as example.

Here shows how to download historical stock price data from yahoo finance. The two downloaded files are named PFE.csv and GSK.csv by default.


2. load raw csv file

The raw data downloaded from yahoo finance looks like the following screenshot. I will combine PFE.csv and GSK.csv into one pandas dataframe.


import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_csv('data/PFE.csv')
df1['id'] = 'PFE'
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume id
0 2009-01-02 16.963947 17.362429 16.793169 17.333965 10.938112 30274000 PFE
1 2009-01-05 17.457306 17.533207 16.963947 17.229601 10.872255 44439200 PFE
2 2009-01-06 17.381405 17.495256 16.802656 16.888046 10.656727 53984400 PFE
df2 = pd.read_csv('data/GSK.csv')
df2['id'] = 'GSK'
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume id
0 2009-01-02 36.520000 37.099998 36.439999 36.970001 19.927216 905400 GSK
1 2009-01-05 36.110001 36.529999 35.779999 36.380001 19.609205 1563200 GSK
2 2009-01-06 36.880001 38.000000 36.270000 37.759998 20.353031 2270600 GSK
df = pd.concat([df1, df2])
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume id
0 2009-01-02 16.963947 17.362429 16.793169 17.333965 10.938112 30274000 PFE
1 2009-01-05 17.457306 17.533207 16.963947 17.229601 10.872255 44439200 PFE
2 2009-01-06 17.381405 17.495256 16.802656 16.888046 10.656727 53984400 PFE
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume id
3017 2020-12-28 36.790001 36.790001 36.169998 36.290001 36.290001 2876300 GSK
3018 2020-12-29 37.209999 37.380001 36.860001 36.980000 36.980000 4666300 GSK
3019 2020-12-30 37.169998 37.240002 36.900002 37.040001 37.040001 3071400 GSK
print(df1.shape, df2.shape, df.shape)
(3020, 8) (3020, 8) (6040, 8)
del df1
del df2
df.sort_values(by=['id', 'Date'], ascending=[True, True], inplace=True)
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume id
0 2009-01-02 36.520000 37.099998 36.439999 36.970001 19.927216 905400 GSK
1 2009-01-05 36.110001 36.529999 35.779999 36.380001 19.609205 1563200 GSK
2 2009-01-06 36.880001 38.000000 36.270000 37.759998 20.353031 2270600 GSK
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume id
3017 2020-12-28 37.360001 37.580002 36.680000 36.820000 36.820000 26993700 PFE
3018 2020-12-29 36.900002 37.200001 36.790001 37.049999 37.049999 23152100 PFE
3019 2020-12-30 37.029999 37.240002 36.700001 36.740002 36.740002 24837900 PFE
sel_cols = ['id', 'Date', 'Adj Close', 'Volume']
df = df[sel_cols].copy(deep=True)
id Date Adj Close Volume
0 GSK 2009-01-02 19.927216 905400
1 GSK 2009-01-05 19.609205 1563200
2 GSK 2009-01-06 20.353031 2270600

3. prepare data by `roll_time_series` and create features via `extract_features`

use roll_time_series function to prepare the data: this function convert the data int the following format so it can be consumed by extract_features function.

key parameters of:roll_time_series

  1. column_id: use id column
  2. column_sort: use Date column
  3. max_timeshift: set as 21 (the function will roll 22 rows). This parameter can be set as any integer between 1 to the number of rows in the raw dataframe. I set it as 21 to get features that capture the patterns in the past 30 days (~ 22 business days).
  4. min_timeshift: set as 21. This parameter must be a number no larger than max_timeshift. When it is set to less than max_timeshift, the roll_time_series will roll the data - for the initial few rows of each id - starting from the row where there are min_timeshift of rows to roll. I set this number same as max_timeshift.
  5. rolling_direction: default value is 1. if set as -1 the rolling will be the reverse order.

roll_time_series transforms data in the following format. This function will duplicate rows and increase number of rows to (original_rows_count - 21xnumber of unique id)x22 (i.e. (6040 - 21x2)x22 = 131956)


extract_features will turn the dataframe back to original_rows_count - 21 x number of unique id rows.

from tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions import roll_time_series
from tsfresh import extract_features
roll_rows = 21
df_rolled = roll_time_series(df, column_id="id", column_sort="Date", max_timeshift=roll_rows, min_timeshift=roll_rows, disable_progressbar=True)
df_features = extract_features(df_rolled, column_id="id", column_sort="Date")
Feature Extraction: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 20/20 [03:04<00:00,  9.24s/it]
print(df.shape, df_rolled.shape, df_features.shape, df_features.shape[0]-df.shape[0])
(6040, 4) (131956, 4) (5998, 1558) -42
id Date Adj Close Volume
0 (GSK, 2009-02-03) 2009-01-02 19.927216 905400
1 (GSK, 2009-02-03) 2009-01-05 19.609205 1563200
2 (GSK, 2009-02-03) 2009-01-06 20.353031 2270600
id Date Adj Close Volume
21 (GSK, 2009-02-03) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
64 (GSK, 2009-02-04) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
107 (GSK, 2009-02-05) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
150 (GSK, 2009-02-06) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
193 (GSK, 2009-02-09) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
236 (GSK, 2009-02-10) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
279 (GSK, 2009-02-11) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
322 (GSK, 2009-02-12) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
365 (GSK, 2009-02-13) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
408 (GSK, 2009-02-17) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
451 (GSK, 2009-02-18) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
494 (GSK, 2009-02-19) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
537 (GSK, 2009-02-20) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
580 (GSK, 2009-02-23) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
623 (GSK, 2009-02-24) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
666 (GSK, 2009-02-25) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
709 (GSK, 2009-02-26) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
752 (GSK, 2009-02-27) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
795 (GSK, 2009-03-02) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
838 (GSK, 2009-03-03) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
881 (GSK, 2009-03-04) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
924 (GSK, 2009-03-05) 2009-02-03 19.593031 1350600
43 (PFE, 2009-02-03) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
86 (PFE, 2009-02-04) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
129 (PFE, 2009-02-05) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
172 (PFE, 2009-02-06) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
215 (PFE, 2009-02-09) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
258 (PFE, 2009-02-10) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
301 (PFE, 2009-02-11) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
344 (PFE, 2009-02-12) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
387 (PFE, 2009-02-13) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
430 (PFE, 2009-02-17) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
473 (PFE, 2009-02-18) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
516 (PFE, 2009-02-19) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
559 (PFE, 2009-02-20) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
602 (PFE, 2009-02-23) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
645 (PFE, 2009-02-24) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
688 (PFE, 2009-02-25) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
731 (PFE, 2009-02-26) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
774 (PFE, 2009-02-27) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
817 (PFE, 2009-03-02) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
860 (PFE, 2009-03-03) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
903 (PFE, 2009-03-04) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700
946 (PFE, 2009-03-05) 2009-02-03 9.100128 66814700

4. `impute` function and deal with missing value

I will first remove features (i.e. columns) with more than 10% of data missing, and then deal with the remaining features.

The impute function replaces all NaNs and infs inplace. Note this function only accepts numeric features and errors will be triggered if the dataframe passed to this function has non-numeric columns.

Adj Close__variance_larger_than_standard_deviation Adj Close__has_duplicate_max Adj Close__has_duplicate_min Adj Close__has_duplicate Adj Close__sum_values Adj Close__abs_energy Adj Close__mean_abs_change Adj Close__mean_change Adj Close__mean_second_derivative_central Adj Close__median ... Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_2 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_3 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_5 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_10 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_100 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_3__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_4__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_5__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_6__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1
GSK 2009-02-03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.952223 8494.084498 0.359854 -0.015914 0.024660 19.601118 ... 0.286836 0.286836 0.823959 1.424130 2.369382 1.692281 2.260234 2.707270 2.833213 2.772589
2009-02-04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.763572 8486.601509 0.351641 0.006160 -0.014957 19.601118 ... 0.286836 0.721464 0.983088 1.539654 2.369382 1.748067 2.378620 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589

2 rows × 1558 columns

na_cnt = df_features.isna().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"abs"__coeff_47    5998
Volume__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_17      5998
Volume__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_26      5998
Volume__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_25      5998
Volume__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_24      5998
dtype: int64
ratio = 0.1
drop_cols = na_cnt[na_cnt>ratio*df_features.shape[0]].index.tolist()
print('before dropping columns: ', df_features.shape)
df_features.drop(columns=drop_cols, inplace=True)
print('after dropping columns: ', df_features.shape)
before dropping columns:  (5998, 1558)
after dropping columns:  (5998, 815)
na_cnt = df_features.isna().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
Volume__sample_entropy                                245
Adj Close__sample_entropy                             180
Volume__max_langevin_fixed_point__m_3__r_30            18
Volume__friedrich_coefficients__coeff_3__m_3__r_30     18
Volume__friedrich_coefficients__coeff_2__m_3__r_30     18
dtype: int64
from tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions import impute
na_cnt = df_features.isna().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1     0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_4    0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"imag"__coeff_2    0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"imag"__coeff_1    0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"imag"__coeff_0    0
dtype: int64
level_0 level_1 Adj Close__variance_larger_than_standard_deviation Adj Close__has_duplicate_max Adj Close__has_duplicate_min Adj Close__has_duplicate Adj Close__sum_values Adj Close__abs_energy Adj Close__mean_abs_change Adj Close__mean_change ... Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_2 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_3 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_5 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_10 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_100 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_3__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_4__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_5__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_6__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1
0 GSK 2009-02-03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.952223 8494.084498 0.359854 -0.015914 ... 0.286836 0.286836 0.823959 1.424130 2.369382 1.692281 2.260234 2.707270 2.833213 2.772589
1 GSK 2009-02-04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.763572 8486.601509 0.351641 0.006160 ... 0.286836 0.721464 0.983088 1.539654 2.369382 1.748067 2.378620 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589

2 rows × 817 columns

df_features.rename(columns={'level_0':'id', 'level_1':'Date'}, inplace=True)
id Date Adj Close__variance_larger_than_standard_deviation Adj Close__has_duplicate_max Adj Close__has_duplicate_min Adj Close__has_duplicate Adj Close__sum_values Adj Close__abs_energy Adj Close__mean_abs_change Adj Close__mean_change ... Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_2 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_3 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_5 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_10 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_100 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_3__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_4__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_5__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_6__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1
0 GSK 2009-02-03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.952223 8494.084498 0.359854 -0.015914 ... 0.286836 0.286836 0.823959 1.424130 2.369382 1.692281 2.260234 2.707270 2.833213 2.772589
1 GSK 2009-02-04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.763572 8486.601509 0.351641 0.006160 ... 0.286836 0.721464 0.983088 1.539654 2.369382 1.748067 2.378620 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589

2 rows × 817 columns

5. create y (the target variable)

Target variable: a binary variable to indicate if the maximum of ‘Adj Close' in the next 30 business days is no less than 4% higher than current date's ‘Adj Close'.

Steps to engineer the target variable:

  1. calculate the maximum Adj Close in the next 30 rows (data sorted by Date in ascending order).
    • denote the maximum Adj Close in the next 30 rows as max_adj_close_30
    • denote the current date's Adj Close as current_close
  2. calculate the % change of maximum value compared to current date's value.
    • denote the % change as delta_pct
    • delta_pct = (max_adj_close_30 - current_close)/current_close*100
  3. convert the % change to a binary value
    • denote the target variable as target
    • if delta_pct >=5, then the target=1, else target=0
id Date Adj Close Volume
0 GSK 2009-01-02 19.927216 905400
1 GSK 2009-01-05 19.609205 1563200
2 GSK 2009-01-06 20.353031 2270600
3 GSK 2009-01-07 20.778858 1621000
4 GSK 2009-01-08 21.150766 1837100
roll_rows = 30
df_rolled2 = roll_time_series(df, column_id="id", column_sort="Date", 
                             max_timeshift=roll_rows, min_timeshift=roll_rows, 
                              rolling_direction=-1, disable_progressbar=True)
id Date Adj Close Volume
0 (GSK, 2009-01-02) 2009-01-02 19.927216 905400
1 (GSK, 2009-01-02) 2009-01-05 19.609205 1563200
2 (GSK, 2009-01-02) 2009-01-06 20.353031 2270600
3 (GSK, 2009-01-02) 2009-01-07 20.778858 1621000
4 (GSK, 2009-01-02) 2009-01-08 21.150766 1837100
df_features2 = extract_features(df_rolled2, column_id="id", column_sort="Date", column_value = 'Adj Close')
Feature Extraction: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 20/20 [01:41<00:00,  5.09s/it]
Adj Close__variance_larger_than_standard_deviation Adj Close__has_duplicate_max Adj Close__has_duplicate_min Adj Close__has_duplicate Adj Close__sum_values Adj Close__abs_energy Adj Close__mean_abs_change Adj Close__mean_change Adj Close__mean_second_derivative_central Adj Close__median ... Adj Close__fourier_entropy__bins_2 Adj Close__fourier_entropy__bins_3 Adj Close__fourier_entropy__bins_5 Adj Close__fourier_entropy__bins_10 Adj Close__fourier_entropy__bins_100 Adj Close__permutation_entropy__dimension_3__tau_1 Adj Close__permutation_entropy__dimension_4__tau_1 Adj Close__permutation_entropy__dimension_5__tau_1 Adj Close__permutation_entropy__dimension_6__tau_1 Adj Close__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1
GSK 2009-01-02 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 607.464175 11919.455113 0.332559 -0.055507 -0.009214 19.609205 ... 0.376770 0.463414 0.822265 1.037392 2.014036 1.523876 2.224925 2.617929 2.991501 3.163424
2009-01-05 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 605.941029 11861.070968 0.326694 -0.040171 -0.010375 19.593031 ... 0.376770 0.376770 0.831403 1.127483 2.100679 1.523876 2.243613 2.637309 2.991501 3.163424
2009-01-06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 604.539174 11808.057642 0.308457 -0.071523 -0.010734 19.474447 ... 0.376770 0.376770 0.831403 1.276720 2.133382 1.551250 2.262300 2.637309 2.938182 3.107972
2009-01-07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 601.972734 11710.174590 0.308289 -0.099742 -0.013667 19.398584 ... 0.376770 0.463414 0.822265 1.160186 2.393312 1.513303 2.262300 2.585965 2.884863 3.052521
2009-01-08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 598.630745 11582.458051 0.307549 -0.123797 -0.002870 19.305689 ... 0.233792 0.463414 0.702919 1.160186 2.166085 1.452462 2.142622 2.534620 2.831544 2.997069

5 rows × 779 columns

sel_cols = ['Adj Close__maximum']
df_target = df_features2[sel_cols].copy(deep=True)
Adj Close__maximum
GSK 2009-01-02 21.150766
2009-01-05 21.150766
2009-01-06 21.150766
2009-01-07 21.150766
2009-01-08 21.150766
2009-01-09 20.967508
2009-01-12 20.730349
2009-01-13 20.185947
2009-01-14 20.137426
2009-01-15 20.137426
df_target['max_adj_close_30'] = df_target['Adj Close__maximum'].shift(-1)
Adj Close__maximum max_adj_close_30
GSK 2009-01-02 21.150766 21.150766
2009-01-05 21.150766 21.150766
2009-01-06 21.150766 21.150766
2009-01-07 21.150766 21.150766
2009-01-08 21.150766 20.967508
2009-01-09 20.967508 20.730349
2009-01-12 20.730349 20.185947
2009-01-13 20.185947 20.137426
2009-01-14 20.137426 20.137426
2009-01-15 20.137426 20.137426
for i in range(0,10):
    print(df.iloc[i,1], df.iloc[i:(30+i),]['Adj Close'].max())
2009-01-02 21.150766
2009-01-05 21.150766
2009-01-06 21.150766
2009-01-07 21.150766
2009-01-08 21.150766
2009-01-09 20.967508
2009-01-12 20.730349
2009-01-13 20.185947
2009-01-14 20.137426
2009-01-15 20.137426
df_target.rename(columns={'level_0':'id', 'level_1':'Date'}, inplace=True)
id Date Adj Close__maximum max_adj_close_30
0 GSK 2009-01-02 21.150766 21.150766
1 GSK 2009-01-05 21.150766 21.150766
print(df_target.shape, df.shape)
df_target = df_target.merge(df, on=['id', 'Date'], how='inner')
print(df_target.shape, df.shape)
(5980, 4) (6040, 4)
(5980, 6) (6040, 4)
id Date Adj Close__maximum max_adj_close_30 Adj Close Volume
0 GSK 2009-01-02 21.150766 21.150766 19.927216 905400
1 GSK 2009-01-05 21.150766 21.150766 19.609205 1563200
df_target['delta_pct'] = (df_target['max_adj_close_30'] - df_target['Adj Close'] )/df_target['Adj Close'] *100
id Date Adj Close__maximum max_adj_close_30 Adj Close Volume delta_pct
0 GSK 2009-01-02 21.150766 21.150766 19.927216 905400 6.140095
1 GSK 2009-01-05 21.150766 21.150766 19.609205 1563200 7.861415
df_target['target'] = 0
df_target.loc[df_target['delta_pct']>=5, 'target'] = 1
0    3506
1    2474
Name: target, dtype: int64
id Date Adj Close__maximum max_adj_close_30 Adj Close Volume delta_pct target
0 GSK 2009-01-02 21.150766 21.150766 19.927216 905400 6.140095 1
1 GSK 2009-01-05 21.150766 21.150766 19.609205 1563200 7.861415 1
2 GSK 2009-01-06 21.150766 21.150766 20.353031 2270600 3.919490 0
3 GSK 2009-01-07 21.150766 21.150766 20.778858 1621000 1.789838 0
4 GSK 2009-01-08 21.150766 20.967508 21.150766 1837100 -0.866437 0

6. select features by `select_features` function

select_features(X, y, test_for_binary_target_binary_feature='fisher', test_for_binary_target_real_feature='mann', test_for_real_target_binary_feature='mann', test_for_real_target_real_feature='kendall', fdr_level=0.05, hypotheses_independent=False, n_jobs=1, show_warnings=False, chunksize=None, ml_task='auto', multiclass=False, n_significant=1)

from tsfresh.feature_selection.selection import select_features
Index(['id', 'Date', 'Adj Close__maximum', 'max_adj_close_30', 'Adj Close',
       'Volume', 'delta_pct', 'target'],
sel_cols = ['id', 'Date', 'target', 'max_adj_close_30', 'delta_pct', 'Adj Close','Volume']
#combine features with target variable
print(df_target.shape, df_features.shape)
df_final = df_target[sel_cols].merge(df_features, on = ['id', 'Date'], how='inner')
print(df_final.shape, df_target.shape, df_features.shape)
(5980, 8) (5998, 817)
(5938, 822) (5980, 8) (5998, 817)
id Date target max_adj_close_30 delta_pct Adj Close Volume Adj Close__variance_larger_than_standard_deviation Adj Close__has_duplicate_max Adj Close__has_duplicate_min ... Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_2 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_3 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_5 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_10 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_100 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_3__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_4__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_5__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_6__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1
0 GSK 2009-02-03 0 20.137426 2.778513 19.593031 1350600 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.286836 0.286836 0.823959 1.424130 2.369382 1.692281 2.260234 2.707270 2.833213 2.772589
1 GSK 2009-02-04 0 20.137426 2.020719 19.738565 2432700 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.286836 0.721464 0.983088 1.539654 2.369382 1.748067 2.378620 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589
2 GSK 2009-02-05 0 20.008068 -0.642376 20.137426 3323300 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.450561 0.721464 1.098612 1.539654 2.484907 1.735434 2.406160 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589
3 GSK 2009-02-06 0 19.937990 -0.350249 20.008068 2266700 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.450561 0.721464 1.118743 1.632631 2.484907 1.752424 2.479122 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589
4 GSK 2009-02-09 0 19.609205 -1.649038 19.937990 1254900 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.286836 0.721464 0.983088 1.473502 2.253858 1.752424 2.506662 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589

5 rows × 822 columns

max_adj_close_30                                     1
delta_pct                                            1
Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1      0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_0     0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_10    0
dtype: int64
df_final.dropna(how='any', inplace=True)
(5938, 822)
(5937, 822)

Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1                         0
Adj Close__change_quantiles__f_agg_"var"__isabs_True__qh_1.0__ql_0.8    0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_9                        0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_8                        0
Adj Close__fft_coefficient__attr_"real"__coeff_7                        0
dtype: int64
X = df_final.iloc[:, 5:].copy(deep=True)
y = df_final['target']
0    0
1    0
2    0
Name: target, dtype: int64
Adj Close Volume Adj Close__variance_larger_than_standard_deviation Adj Close__has_duplicate_max Adj Close__has_duplicate_min Adj Close__has_duplicate Adj Close__sum_values Adj Close__abs_energy Adj Close__mean_abs_change Adj Close__mean_change ... Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_2 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_3 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_5 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_10 Volume__fourier_entropy__bins_100 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_3__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_4__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_5__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_6__tau_1 Volume__permutation_entropy__dimension_7__tau_1
0 19.593031 1350600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.952223 8494.084498 0.359854 -0.015914 ... 0.286836 0.286836 0.823959 1.424130 2.369382 1.692281 2.260234 2.707270 2.833213 2.772589
1 19.738565 2432700 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 431.763572 8486.601509 0.351641 0.006160 ... 0.286836 0.721464 0.983088 1.539654 2.369382 1.748067 2.378620 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589
2 20.137426 3323300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 432.291793 8507.596514 0.335214 -0.010267 ... 0.450561 0.721464 1.098612 1.539654 2.484907 1.735434 2.406160 2.813355 2.833213 2.772589

3 rows × 817 columns

y = df_final['target']
for fdr_level in [0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00001, 0.000005, 0.000001, 0.0000005, 0.0000001]:
    df_filtered_binary = select_features(X, y, fdr_level=fdr_level, ml_task='classification')
    print(fdr_level, df_filtered_binary.shape)
(5937, 817)
0.05 (5937, 416)
0.01 (5937, 371)
0.005 (5937, 361)
0.001 (5937, 341)
0.0005 (5937, 331)
0.0001 (5937, 313)
5e-05 (5937, 311)
1e-05 (5937, 296)
5e-06 (5937, 292)
1e-06 (5937, 286)
5e-07 (5937, 282)
1e-07 (5937, 277)
y = df_final['delta_pct']

for fdr_level in [0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00001, 0.000005, 0.000001, 0.0000005, 0.0000001]:
    df_filtered_reg = select_features(X, y, fdr_level=fdr_level, ml_task='regression')
    print(fdr_level, df_filtered_reg.shape)
0.05 (5937, 399)
0.01 (5937, 372)
0.005 (5937, 361)
0.001 (5937, 339)
0.0005 (5937, 329)
0.0001 (5937, 317)
5e-05 (5937, 311)
1e-05 (5937, 300)
5e-06 (5937, 296)
1e-06 (5937, 284)
5e-07 (5937, 282)
1e-07 (5937, 275)
binary_cols = df_filtered_binary.columns.tolist()
reg_cols = df_filtered_reg.columns.tolist()
both_cols = list(set(binary_cols+reg_cols))
print(len(binary_cols), len(reg_cols), len(both_cols))
277 275 288
'Adj Close' in both_cols, 'Volume'in both_cols
(True, True)
y_cols = ['id', 'Date', 'target', 'delta_pct']
df_final[y_cols + both_cols].head(3)
id Date target delta_pct Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_11__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__change_quantiles__f_agg_"mean"__isabs_True__qh_1.0__ql_0.8 Adj Close__change_quantiles__f_agg_"mean"__isabs_False__qh_0.6__ql_0.2 Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_0__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__sum_values Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_13__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) ... Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_1__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_2__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__minimum Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_0__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__fft_coefficient__attr_"abs"__coeff_0 Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_1__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_1__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_5__w_5__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__mean Adj Close__linear_trend__attr_"slope"
0 GSK 2009-02-03 0 2.778513 6.827091e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.020586e+06 431.952223 66.731853 ... 41.004967 44.522909 18.374868 33.597595 40175100.0 3.762778e+06 39.161548 3.142434e+06 1.826141e+06 -0.084799
1 GSK 2009-02-04 0 2.020719 6.985642e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.318212e+06 431.763572 66.577759 ... 40.883390 44.542326 18.374868 33.716539 41702400.0 4.073276e+06 39.240166 3.307973e+06 1.895564e+06 -0.079756
2 GSK 2009-02-05 0 -0.642376 7.174840e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.409041e+06 432.291793 66.449007 ... 40.775041 44.568357 18.374868 33.882053 43462500.0 4.166172e+06 39.343889 3.367270e+06 1.975568e+06 -0.073900

3 rows × 292 columns

file_name = 'PFE_GSK_final.csv'
df_final[y_cols + both_cols].to_csv('data/'+file_name, sep='|', compression='gzip')