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- Jurman G, Riccadonna S, Furlanello C (2012) A Comparison of MCC and CEN Error Measures in Multi-Class Prediction. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41882.
- For binary tasks, MCC has attracted the attention of the machine learning community as a method that summarizes into a single value the confusion matrix . Its use as a reference performance measure on unbalanced data sets is now common in other fields such as bioinformatics. Remarkably, MCC was chosen as accuracy index in the US FDA-led initiative MAQC-II for comparing about 13000 different models, with the aim of reaching a consensus on the best practices for development and validation of predictive models based on microarray gene expression and genotyping data.
- A second family of measures that have a natural definition for multiclass confusion matrices are the functions derived from the concept of (information) Entropy… Wei and colleagues recently introduced a novel multiclass measure under the name of Confusion Entropy (CEN).
- In our study, we investigate the intriguing similarity existing between CEN and MCC. In particular, we experimentally show that the two measures are strongly correlated, and that their relation is globally monotone and locally almost linear. Moreover, we provide a brief outline of the mathematical links between CEN and MCC with detailed examples in limit cases. Discriminancy and consistency ratios are discussed as comparative factors, together with functions of the number of classes, class imbalance, and behaviour on randomized labels.
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- We compared the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) and Confusion Entropy (CEN) as performance measures of a classifier in multiclass problems. We have shown, both analytically and empirically, that they have a consistent behaviour in practical cases. However each of them is better tailored to deal with different situations, and some care should be taken in presence of limit cases. 1.Both MCC and CEN improve over Accuracy (ACC), by far the simplest and widespread measure in the scientific literature. The point with ACC is that it poorly copes with unbalanced classes and it cannot distinguish among different misclassification distributions.
- CEN has been recently proposed to provide an high level of discrimination even between very similar confusion matrices. However, we show that this feature is not always welcomed, as in the case of random dice rolling, for which , but a range of different values is found for CEN. This case is of practical interest because class labels are often randomized as a sanity check in complex classification studies, e.g., in medical diagnosis tasks such as cancer subtyping [33] or image classification problems (e.g., handwritten ZIP code identification or image scene classification examples) [34].
- Our analysis also shows that CEN should not be reliably used in the binary case, as its definition attributes high entropy even in regimes of high accuracy and it even gets values larger than one. 1.In the most general case, MCC is a good compromise among discriminancy, consistency and coherent behaviors with varying number of classes, unbalanced datasets, and randomization. Given the strong linear relation between CEN and a logarithmic function of MCC, they are exchangeable in a majority of practical cases. Furthermore, the behaviour of MCC remains consistent between binary and multiclass settings.
- Our analysis does not regard threshold classifiers; whenever a ROC curve can be drawn, generalized versions of the Area Under the Curve algorithm or other similar measures represent a more immediate choice. This given, for confusion matrix analysis, our results indicate that the MCC remains an optimal off-the-shelf tool in practical tasks, while refined measures such as CEN should be reserved for specific topic where high discrimination is crucial.