Simple LightGBM model with tsfresh features

Jan 9, 2021

This notebook continues with the tsfresh feature engineering notebooks and starts a simple LightGBM modeling to demostrate model training process with tsfresh features.

Outline of this notebook

  1. read data from the csv file that is generated here
  2. select a few features
  3. create a sliding window list
  4. setup simple light gbm model training

load data

In the tsfresh package introduction notebooks, I created a few hundred features as well as a target variable and saved the data into a compressed csv file.

In this notebook, I am using the file created there and set the Date feature as index. Since id is a categorical (two values, i.e. PFE and GSK), I am creating a new feature called ticker. The ticker feature is numerical.

The purpose of this notebook is to demostrate how I can use tsfresh features in my model training process, so I randomly select a few features from the several hundred candiate features to simply the process.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('data/PFE_GSK_final.csv', sep='|', compression='gzip', index_col=1)
(5937, 291)
id target delta_pct Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_11__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__change_quantiles__f_agg_"mean"__isabs_True__qh_1.0__ql_0.8 Adj Close__change_quantiles__f_agg_"mean"__isabs_False__qh_0.6__ql_0.2 Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_0__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__sum_values Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_13__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_5__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) ... Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_1__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_2__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__minimum Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_0__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__fft_coefficient__attr_"abs"__coeff_0 Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_1__w_20__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Adj Close__cwt_coefficients__coeff_1__w_10__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_5__w_5__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20) Volume__mean Adj Close__linear_trend__attr_"slope"
2009-02-03 GSK 0 2.778513 6.827091e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.020586e+06 431.952223 66.731853 57.753059 ... 41.004967 44.522909 18.374868 33.597595 40175100.0 3.762778e+06 39.161548 3.142434e+06 1.826141e+06 -0.084799
2009-02-04 GSK 0 2.020719 6.985642e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.318212e+06 431.763572 66.577759 57.531978 ... 40.883390 44.542326 18.374868 33.716539 41702400.0 4.073276e+06 39.240166 3.307973e+06 1.895564e+06 -0.079756
2009-02-05 GSK 0 -0.642376 7.174840e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.409041e+06 432.291793 66.449007 57.307191 ... 40.775041 44.568357 18.374868 33.882053 43462500.0 4.166172e+06 39.343889 3.367270e+06 1.975568e+06 -0.073900
2009-02-06 GSK 0 -0.350249 7.169289e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.342175e+06 431.946830 66.285479 56.923968 ... 40.472563 44.302650 18.374868 33.782529 43458600.0 4.187145e+06 39.172730 3.347535e+06 1.975391e+06 -0.060515
2009-02-09 GSK 0 -1.649038 7.119553e+06 320000.0 -0.007189 3.444576e+06 431.105962 66.161002 56.431948 ... 40.151743 43.869923 18.374868 33.495014 43092500.0 4.247352e+06 38.794135 3.383350e+06 1.958750e+06 -0.042041

5 rows × 291 columns

df['ticker'] = 1
df.loc[df['id']=='PFE', 'ticker'] = 2
df['ticker'].value_counts(), df['id'].value_counts()
(1    2969
 2    2968
 Name: ticker, dtype: int64,
 GSK    2969
 PFE    2968
 Name: id, dtype: int64)
y_col = 'target'

select a few features

  • I randomly select 8 features. And by adding ticker features, there are total of 9 selected features.
  • Since LightGBM might reject feature names with speical characters, features with long names are renamed.
#randomly select 8 features (making it 9 by adding ticker feature)
x_cols = ['ticker',
          'Adj Close', 
          'Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_9__w_5__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)', 
          'Adj Close__fft_aggregated__aggtype_"centroid"']

df[x_cols + [y_col]].corr()[y_col]
ticker                                                                0.119438
Adj Close                                                            -0.219065
Volume__quantile__q_0.2                                               0.144642
Volume__change_quantiles__f_agg_"var"__isabs_False__qh_0.8__ql_0.0    0.071635
Volume__linear_trend__attr_"stderr"                                   0.094966
Volume__spkt_welch_density__coeff_2                                   0.038302
Volume__cwt_coefficients__coeff_9__w_5__widths_(2, 5, 10, 20)         0.098239
Volume__change_quantiles__f_agg_"mean"__isabs_True__qh_0.2__ql_0.0    0.079475
Adj Close__fft_aggregated__aggtype_"centroid"                         0.122701
target                                                                1.000000
Name: target, dtype: float64
X = df[x_cols].copy(deep=True)
y = df[y_col].copy(deep=True)

print(X.shape, y.shape, X.index.min(), X.index.max())
(5937, 9) (5937,) 2009-02-03 2020-11-16
#rename features as LightGBM might reject names with special characters
X.columns = ['ticker',
              'Adj Close', 
              'Adj Close_7']
ticker Adj Close Volume_1 Volume_2 Volume_3 Volume_4 Volume_5 Volume_6 Adj Close_7
2009-02-03 1 19.593031 1380540.0 1.743136e+11 17865.337022 7.399496e+11 2.647673e+06 194700.0 0.176508
2009-02-04 1 19.738565 1436900.0 1.958834e+11 16687.108757 9.301968e+11 2.509066e+06 194700.0 0.175579
2009-02-03    0
2009-02-04    0
Name: target, dtype: int64
del df

create a sliding window list

  • the setup is as the following image shows.

slide window

  • I manually create the cut-off dates and then use the dates to create slide list. Sliding window list can be done in a more elegent way.
#set up sliding window cut-off dates. this can be done in a more elegent way.
date_list = [['2009-01-01', '2016-11-16','2017-01-01', '2017-07-01'], 
             ['2009-07-01', '2017-05-18','2017-07-01', '2018-01-01'], 
             ['2010-01-01', '2017-11-15','2018-01-01', '2018-07-01'], 
             ['2010-07-01', '2018-05-17','2018-07-01', '2019-01-01'], 
             ['2011-01-01', '2018-11-14','2019-01-01', '2019-07-01'], 
             ['2011-07-01', '2019-05-16','2019-07-01', '2020-01-01'], 
             ['2012-01-01', '2019-11-15','2020-01-01', '2020-07-01'], 
             ['2012-07-01', '2020-05-18','2020-07-01', '2021-01-01']]
slide_list = []
for d1, d2, d3, d4 in date_list:
    slide_list.append([X[(X.index>=d1) & (X.index<=d2)].copy(deep=True), 
                       y[(y.index>=d1) & (y.index<=d2)].copy(deep=True), 
                       X[(X.index>=d3) & (X.index<d4)].copy(deep=True),
                       y[(y.index>=d3) & (y.index<d4)].copy(deep=True) ])
for i, (x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_) in enumerate(slide_list):
    print(i+1, x1_.shape, y1_.shape, x2_.shape, x1_.index.min(), x1_.index[-1], x1_.index.max(), x2_.index.min(), x2_.index.max())
1 (3926, 9) (3926,) (250, 9) 2009-02-03 2016-11-16 2016-11-16 2017-01-03 2017-06-30
2 (3970, 9) (3970,) (252, 9) 2009-07-01 2017-05-18 2017-05-18 2017-07-03 2017-12-29
3 (3966, 9) (3966,) (250, 9) 2010-01-04 2017-11-15 2017-11-15 2018-01-02 2018-06-29
4 (3968, 9) (3968,) (252, 9) 2010-07-01 2018-05-17 2018-05-17 2018-07-02 2018-12-31
5 (3964, 9) (3964,) (248, 9) 2011-01-03 2018-11-14 2018-11-14 2019-01-02 2019-06-28
6 (3962, 9) (3962,) (256, 9) 2011-07-01 2019-05-16 2019-05-16 2019-07-01 2019-12-31
7 (3964, 9) (3964,) (250, 9) 2012-01-03 2019-11-15 2019-11-15 2020-01-02 2020-06-30
8 (3964, 9) (3964,) (193, 9) 2012-07-02 2020-05-18 2020-05-18 2020-07-01 2020-11-16

setup simple light gbm model

  1. create a simple function that returns predictions from LightGBM models
  2. iterate through a simple learning rate list to show how to adjust hyperparameters
    • set the boosting rounds at 600: num_boost_round= 600
    • set the learning rate iterating through a list [0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3]

Given the trading strategy is "buy a stock when the prediciton says the the price is going to increase at least 5% in the next 30 trading days", the best result - described as "how many times when my prediction tells me to buy and the price indeed increases 5% or more in the following 30 trading days" - is 52% when learning rate is 0.2 and predicted label is set as 1 when the predicted probability is >0.85.

slide window

import lightgbm as lgb

def get_tree_preds(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, params,
                   num_round=2000, verbose=False):
    X_train, X_test: Pandas dataframe
    y_train, y_test: list, numpy array, Pandas dataframe, or Pandas series
    params: a dictionary. hyperparamter set. 
    num_round: number of boosting rounds


    dtrain = lgb.Dataset(X_train, y_train)
    tree_model = lgb.train(params,

    y_preds = tree_model.predict(X_test, num_iteration=tree_model.best_iteration)

    return y_preds, tree_model

from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, confusion_matrix
num_boost_round= 600

for lr in [0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3]: 
    params = {
              'objective': 'binary',
              'metric': 'auc', 
              'learning_rate': lr, 'feature_fraction':0.65,'max_depth':15, 'lambda_l1':5, 'lambda_l2':5, 
              'bagging_fraction':0.65, 'bagging_freq': 1}

    all_preds = []
    for i, (X_train_, y_train_, X_test_, y_test_) in enumerate(slide_list):
        y_preds, _ = get_tree_preds(X_train_, y_train_, X_test_, y_test_, params,
                                             num_round=num_boost_round, verbose=False)
        df_pred = y_test_.to_frame()
        df_pred['pred'] = y_preds

    df_pred_all = pd.concat(all_preds)

    test_true = df_pred_all['target']
    test_pred = df_pred_all['pred']
    print("Learning rate: {:.2f}".format(lr), '>'*100)
    for prob_cut in [0.5, 0.65, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9]:
        pred_labels = np.zeros(len(test_pred))

        tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(test_true, pred_labels).ravel()
        print("Probability cut off: {:.2f}".format(prob_cut), '-'*20)
        #print(tn, fp, fn, tp)
        print("True positive: {:d}, False positive: {:d}, Long hit rate:{:.1%}".format(tp, fp, tp/(fp+tp)))
Learning rate: 0.05 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Probability cut off: 0.50 --------------------
True positive: 187, False positive: 209, Long hit rate:47.2%
Probability cut off: 0.65 --------------------
True positive: 112, False positive: 125, Long hit rate:47.3%
Probability cut off: 0.75 --------------------
True positive: 67, False positive: 71, Long hit rate:48.6%
Probability cut off: 0.80 --------------------
True positive: 37, False positive: 49, Long hit rate:43.0%
Probability cut off: 0.85 --------------------
True positive: 10, False positive: 25, Long hit rate:28.6%
Probability cut off: 0.90 --------------------
True positive: 3, False positive: 7, Long hit rate:30.0%
Learning rate: 0.10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Probability cut off: 0.50 --------------------
True positive: 194, False positive: 229, Long hit rate:45.9%
Probability cut off: 0.65 --------------------
True positive: 129, False positive: 139, Long hit rate:48.1%
Probability cut off: 0.75 --------------------
True positive: 79, False positive: 87, Long hit rate:47.6%
Probability cut off: 0.80 --------------------
True positive: 59, False positive: 63, Long hit rate:48.4%
Probability cut off: 0.85 --------------------
True positive: 29, False positive: 43, Long hit rate:40.3%
Probability cut off: 0.90 --------------------
True positive: 10, False positive: 21, Long hit rate:32.3%
Learning rate: 0.15 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Probability cut off: 0.50 --------------------
True positive: 200, False positive: 237, Long hit rate:45.8%
Probability cut off: 0.65 --------------------
True positive: 125, False positive: 152, Long hit rate:45.1%
Probability cut off: 0.75 --------------------
True positive: 84, False positive: 97, Long hit rate:46.4%
Probability cut off: 0.80 --------------------
True positive: 66, False positive: 73, Long hit rate:47.5%
Probability cut off: 0.85 --------------------
True positive: 40, False positive: 46, Long hit rate:46.5%
Probability cut off: 0.90 --------------------
True positive: 18, False positive: 26, Long hit rate:40.9%
Learning rate: 0.20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Probability cut off: 0.50 --------------------
True positive: 197, False positive: 239, Long hit rate:45.2%
Probability cut off: 0.65 --------------------
True positive: 128, False positive: 151, Long hit rate:45.9%
Probability cut off: 0.75 --------------------
True positive: 89, False positive: 99, Long hit rate:47.3%
Probability cut off: 0.80 --------------------
True positive: 58, False positive: 72, Long hit rate:44.6%
Probability cut off: 0.85 --------------------
True positive: 49, False positive: 45, Long hit rate:52.1%
Probability cut off: 0.90 --------------------
True positive: 18, False positive: 27, Long hit rate:40.0%
Learning rate: 0.25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Probability cut off: 0.50 --------------------
True positive: 199, False positive: 242, Long hit rate:45.1%
Probability cut off: 0.65 --------------------
True positive: 135, False positive: 165, Long hit rate:45.0%
Probability cut off: 0.75 --------------------
True positive: 99, False positive: 109, Long hit rate:47.6%
Probability cut off: 0.80 --------------------
True positive: 70, False positive: 82, Long hit rate:46.1%
Probability cut off: 0.85 --------------------
True positive: 52, False positive: 61, Long hit rate:46.0%
Probability cut off: 0.90 --------------------
True positive: 20, False positive: 37, Long hit rate:35.1%
Learning rate: 0.30 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Probability cut off: 0.50 --------------------
True positive: 202, False positive: 239, Long hit rate:45.8%
Probability cut off: 0.65 --------------------
True positive: 147, False positive: 157, Long hit rate:48.4%
Probability cut off: 0.75 --------------------
True positive: 83, False positive: 115, Long hit rate:41.9%
Probability cut off: 0.80 --------------------
True positive: 63, False positive: 88, Long hit rate:41.7%
Probability cut off: 0.85 --------------------
True positive: 50, False positive: 59, Long hit rate:45.9%
Probability cut off: 0.90 --------------------
True positive: 31, False positive: 38, Long hit rate:44.9%