Machine Learning Essential Packages - Jun 2022

Jun 30, 2022

The bascis

The basic packages for data processing, mathematical and scitific calculations.

Package Description
pandas data analysis and manipulation. read/write excel/csv/compressed files, process data, and plot ugly graphs
numpy mathematical functions, random number generators, linear algebra routines.
scipy optimization, integration, interpolation, eigenvalue problems, algebraic equations, differential equations, statistics

The core

Package Description
statsmodels statistical models and hypothesis tests
scikit-learn this is the must-have package for any machine learning project
xgboost gradient boosting trees. For a long period of time, it was the Kaggle competition particpants' favorite.
lightgbm also gradient boosting trees. it took xgboost's place and became the favorite of Kaggle competition particpants.
pytorch I prefer it over keras and tensorflow. The cornerstone for deep learning models.

data visualization

these packages help create descent looking graphs

Package Description
plotly easy to use and can create some nice graphs
seaborn often work hand-in-hand with matplotlib. need some skills to create presentable graphs.
matplotlib easy to create simple but ugly graphs with it. but takes real skills to create graphs that can pass .

web scraping

Package Description
Scrapy for web scraping
beautifulsoup4 extract data from html pages

nice deep learning packages based on pytorch

Package Description
pytorch-tabnet based on pytorch. it is becoming very popular on Kaggle
pytorch-forecasting it has the potential to be practitioners new favorite. it has some really cool deep learning algorithms.
pytorch-lightning if you install pytorch-forecasting, this package along with pytorch will also be installed

hyperparameter tunning

either one of the following is sufficient to do the job

Package Description
hyperopt I use it for all my projects. Very powerful package for hyperparameter tunning
optuna an alertnative for hyperopt. I don't use it but it is used in pytorch-forecasting package and gets installed when installing pytorch-forecasting

feature engineering

Package Description
ta-lib This is a popular package for engineering technical features for time series data. Note that this package requires Visual Studio Community 2015 be installed on the machine first
finta This package is a nice alternative if installing ta-lib is not possible due to various reasons
tsfresh tsfresh is used for systematic feature engineering from time-series and other sequential data

anomaly detection

Package Description
Merlion This is a descent package for anomaly detection. It is developed by Salesforce.


Package Description
yfinance This is a very neat package that helps downloading stock price data from yahoo finance.
PyArrow I use this package to write Parquet file.


  • the following is a list of packages that includes all the ones mentioned above, plus a few others.
  • copy the list to a ‘requirements.txt' and run pip on the txt file can get all of them installed at once.


or, if you prefer to run pip one by one, try the following.

pip install pandas==1.3.4
pip install scipy==1.7.3
pip install numpy==1.21.4
pip install scikit-learn==1.0.1

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

pip install lightgbm==2.3.1 
pip install xgboost==1.5.1
pip install hyperopt==0.1.2
pip install seaborn==0.11.2
pip install matplotlib==3.5.0
pip install plotly==5.3.1

pip install pytorch-tabnet==3.1.1
pip install pytorch-forecasting==0.9.2
pip install pytorch-lightning==1.5.5

pip install openpyxl==3.0.7
pip install XlsxWriter==3.0.1
pip install xlrd==2.0.1
pip install mysql-connector==2.2.9

pip install beautifulsoup4==4.10.0
pip install Scrapy==2.5.1 
pip install notebook==6.4.6

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio

pip install tsfresh==0.17.0
pip install statsmodels==0.10.2

pip install yfinance==0.1.66
pip install pyarrow==6.0.1
pip install TA-Lib==0.4.23
pip install h5py==3.7.0

A few more notes

  • Tabnet wheel file can be downloaded from here:

  • You may need to upgrade pip first in order to isntall Scrapy successfully.
  • tsfresh: tsfresh==0.17.0 requires "statsmodels==0.10.2", higher version of statsmodels will lead to error.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
    • DLL load failure may occur if it is not installed.
    • It can be downloaded at