Adaptive Moving Averages



In "Adaptive Moving Averages" in this issue, author Vitali Apirine introduces an adaptive moving average (AMA) technique based on Perry Kaufman's KAMA (Kaufman adaptive moving average). His update to the original KAMA allows the new method to account for the location of the close relative to the high–low range. The author describes a trading system that combines the AMA and KAMA, suggesting that the combination may reduce the number of whipsaws relative to using either moving average by itself.


if  AMA  crosses over KAMA then
    Buy TradeSize shares next bar at Market
else if  AMA  crosses under KAMA then
    Sell Short TradeSize shares next bar at Market ;








Load basic packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import gc
import copy
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time, date
#this package is to download equity price data from yahoo finance
#the source code of this package can be found here:
import yfinance as yf
pd.options.display.max_rows = 100
pd.options.display.max_columns = 100

import warnings

import pytorch_lightning as pl
Global seed set to 1234

#S&P 500 (^GSPC),  Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI), NASDAQ Composite (^IXIC)
#Russell 2000 (^RUT), Crude Oil Nov 21 (CL=F), Gold Dec 21 (GC=F)
#Treasury Yield 10 Years (^TNX)
#CBOE Volatility Index (^VIX) Chicago Options - Chicago Options Delayed Price. Currency in USD

#benchmark_tickers = ['^GSPC', '^DJI', '^IXIC', '^RUT',  'CL=F', 'GC=F', '^TNX']

benchmark_tickers = ['^GSPC', '^VIX']
tickers = benchmark_tickers + ['GSK', 'DAL', 'PFE']
#     def history(self, period="1mo", interval="1d",
#                 start=None, end=None, prepost=False, actions=True,
#                 auto_adjust=True, back_adjust=False,
#                 proxy=None, rounding=False, tz=None, timeout=None, **kwargs):

dfs = {}

for ticker in tickers:
    cur_data = yf.Ticker(ticker)
    hist = cur_data.history(period="max", start='2000-01-01')
    print(, ticker, hist.shape, hist.index.min(), hist.index.max())
    dfs[ticker] = hist
2022-09-10 18:29:09.119977 ^GSPC (5710, 7) 1999-12-31 00:00:00 2022-09-09 00:00:00
2022-09-10 18:29:09.377239 ^VIX (5710, 7) 1999-12-31 00:00:00 2022-09-09 00:00:00
2022-09-10 18:29:09.603672 GSK (5710, 7) 1999-12-31 00:00:00 2022-09-09 00:00:00
2022-09-10 18:29:09.786497 DAL (3867, 7) 2007-05-03 00:00:00 2022-09-09 00:00:00
2022-09-10 18:29:10.163955 PFE (5710, 7) 1999-12-31 00:00:00 2022-09-09 00:00:00
ticker = 'DAL'
Open High Low Close Volume Dividends Stock Splits
2022-09-02 31.440001 31.830000 30.700001 30.940001 8626500 0.0 0
2022-09-06 31.340000 31.650000 30.660000 31.190001 7630800 0.0 0
2022-09-07 31.290001 32.340000 31.270000 32.230000 9035900 0.0 0
2022-09-08 31.719999 32.490002 31.549999 32.119999 11085400 0.0 0
2022-09-09 32.430000 32.759998 32.240002 32.660000 10958900 0.0 0
Indicator: Adaptive Moving Average

// TASC APR 2018
// Adaptive Moving Average
// Indicator
// Vitali Apirine

    Periods( 10 ),
    FastAvgLength( 2 ),
    SlowAvgLength( 30 ) ;

    AMA( 0 ),
    KAMA( 0 ) ;

AMA = _AMA( Periods, FastAvgLength, 
    SlowAvgLength ) ;	
KAMA = AdaptiveMovAvg( Close, Periods, 
    FastAvgLength, SlowAvgLength ) ;	

Plot1( AMA, "AMA", Cyan ) ;
Plot2( KAMA, "KAMA", Magenta ) ;

if AlertEnabled then 
    if AMA crosses over KAMA then
        Alert( "AMA crossing over KAMA" ) 
    else if AMA crosses under KAMA then
        Alert( "AMA crossing under KAMA" ) ;
end ;

Strategy: Adaptive Moving Average

// TASC APR 2018
// Adaptive Moving Average
// Strategy
// Vitali Apirine

    Periods( 10 ),
    FastAvgLength( 2 ),
    SlowAvgLength( 30 ),
    Capital( 100000 ) ;

    AMA( 0 ),
    KAMA( 0 ),
    TradeSize( 0 ) ;

AMA = _AMA( Periods, FastAvgLength, 
    SlowAvgLength ) ;	
KAMA = AdaptiveMovAvg( Close, Periods, 
    FastAvgLength, SlowAvgLength ) ;	

TradeSize = MaxList( 1, Capital / Close ) ;	

if  AMA  crosses over KAMA then
    Buy TradeSize shares next bar at Market
else if  AMA  crosses under KAMA then
    Sell Short TradeSize shares next bar at Market ;

Function: _AMA

// TASC APR 2018
// _AMA
// Function
// Vitali Apirine

    Periods( numericsimple ),
    FastAvgLength( numericsimple ),
    SlowAvgLength( numericsimple ) ;

    PDS( Periods + 1 ),
    FastSC( 2 / ( FastAvgLength + 1 ) ),
    SlowSC( 2 / ( SlowAvgLength + 1 ) ),
    SSC( 0 ),
    CST( 0 ),
    MLTP( 0 );	

MLTP = AbsValue( ( Close - Lowest( Low, PDS ) ) 
    - ( Highest( High, PDS ) - Close )) 
    / ( Highest( High, PDS ) - Lowest( Low, PDS ) ) ;	

SSC = MLTP * ( FastSC - SlowSC ) + SlowSC ;	

CST = Square( SSC ) ;

if CurrentBar = 1 then
    _AMA = Close[1] + CST * ( Close - Close[1] )  
    _AMA = _AMA[1] + CST * ( Close - _AMA[1] ) ;	
def cal_ama(ohlc: pd.DataFrame, 
              period: int = 10, 
              fast_period: int = 2, 
              slow_period: int = 30, 
             ) -> pd.Series:
    ADAPTIVE MOVING AVERAGE. Author: Vitali Apirine, TASC April 2018
    created on: 2022-09-10

    ohlc = ohlc.copy()
    ohlc.columns = [c.lower() for c in ohlc.columns]
    highest_high = ohlc["high"].rolling(center=False, window=period).max()
    lowest_low = ohlc["low"].rolling(center=False, window=period).min()
    close = ohlc["close"]
    pds = period + 1
    fast_sc = 2/(fast_period + 1)
    slow_sc = 2/(slow_period + 1)
    mltp = np.abs((close - lowest_low) - (highest_high - close))/(highest_high - lowest_low)
    ssc = mltp * (fast_sc - slow_sc) + slow_sc
    cst = ssc*ssc
    _ama = np.zeros(len(ohlc))
    for i in range(len(ohlc)):
        if i < period:
            _ama[i] = close[i-1] + cst[i] * (close[i] - close[i-1])
            _ama[i] = _ama[i-1] + cst[i] * (close[i] - _ama[i-1])

    return pd.Series(_ama,index=ohlc.index, name=f"AMA")    

df = dfs[ticker][['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']]
df = df.round(2)
<function __main__.cal_ama(ohlc: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, period: int = 10, fast_period: int = 2, slow_period: int = 30) -> pandas.core.series.Series>
df['AMA'] = cal_ama(df, period = 10, fast_period = 2, slow_period = 30)
from core.finta import TA
<function core.finta.TA.KAMA(ohlc: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, er_period: int = 10, ema_fast: int = 2, ema_slow: int = 30, period: int = 20, column: str = 'close') -> pandas.core.series.Series>
df['KAMA'] = TA.KAMA(df, er_period = 10, ema_fast = 2, ema_slow=30, period=10, column='close')
#AMA  crosses over KAMA 
df['SIGNAL'] = ((df['AMA']>=df['KAMA']) & (df['AMA'].shift(1)<df['KAMA'].shift(1))).astype(int)
df['B'] = df['SIGNAL']*(df["High"] + df["Low"])/2
0    3754
1     113
Name: SIGNAL, dtype: int64
Open High Low Close Volume AMA KAMA SIGNAL B
2007-05-03 19.32 19.50 18.25 18.40 8052800 NaN NaN 0 0.0
2007-05-04 18.88 18.96 18.39 18.64 5437300 NaN NaN 0 0.0
2007-05-07 18.83 18.91 17.94 18.08 2646300 NaN NaN 0 0.0
2007-05-08 17.76 17.76 17.14 17.44 4166100 NaN NaN 0 0.0
2007-05-09 17.54 17.94 17.44 17.58 7541100 NaN NaN 0 0.0
Open High Low Close Volume AMA KAMA SIGNAL B
2022-09-02 31.44 31.83 30.70 30.94 8626500 31.657433 32.392120 0 0.0
2022-09-06 31.34 31.65 30.66 31.19 7630800 31.610105 32.339471 0 0.0
2022-09-07 31.29 32.34 31.27 32.23 9035900 31.616398 32.337489 0 0.0
2022-09-08 31.72 32.49 31.55 32.12 11085400 31.618872 32.328516 0 0.0
2022-09-09 32.43 32.76 32.24 32.66 10958900 31.669552 32.345109 0 0.0
from core.visuals import *
start = -100
end = df.shape[0]
df_sub = df.iloc[start:end]
# df_sub = df[(df.index<='2019-04-01') & (df.index>='2019-01-24')]
names = {'main_title': f'{ticker}'}
lines0 = basic_lines(df_sub[['AMA', 'KAMA']], 
                     colors = [], 
                     **dict(panel=0, width=1.5, secondary_y=False))

lines2 = basic_lines(df_sub[[ 'B']],
                     colors = ['navy'], 
                     **dict(panel=0, type='scatter', marker=r'${B}$' , markersize=100, secondary_y=False))

lines_ = dict(**lines0, **lines2)

#shadows_ = basic_shadows(bands=[-0.01, 0.01], nsamples=df.iloc[start:end].shape[0], **dict(panel=1, color="lightskyblue",alpha=0.1,interpolate=True))
shadows_ = []
fig_config_ = dict(figratio=(18,10), volume=True, volume_panel=1,panel_ratios=(4,2), tight_layout=True, returnfig=True,)

ax_cfg_ = {0:dict(basic=[4, 2, ['AMA', 'KAMA']], 
                 title=dict(label = 'AMA-KAMA', fontsize=9, style='italic',  loc='left'), 

names = {'main_title': f'{ticker}'}

aa_, bb_ = make_panels(main_data = df_sub[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']], 
                       added_plots = lines_,
                       fill_betweens = shadows_, 
                       fig_config = fig_config_, 
                       axes_config = ax_cfg_,  
                       names = names)


                    MIN_TRADE_SIZE = 100 ,
                    MAX_TRADE_SIZE = 1000 ,
                    HOLD_DAYS = 40, #max hold days
                    STOP_LOSS = 0.085, #10% drop
                    KEEP_PROFIT = 0.065, 
                    MAX_OPEN = 1, #allow only 1 open position
                    COST = 0.0035,
0    3754
1     113
Name: SIGNAL, dtype: int64
trades = []
for i in range(df.shape[0]-5):
    row = df.iloc[i]
    if row['SIGNAL']>0:
        print('enter: ', i)
        row_j = df.iloc[i+1]
        item = dict(signal_date =,
                    enter_date =, 
                    enter_price = row_j['High']
        for j in range(i+2, min(i+TRADE_CONFIG['HOLD_DAYS'], df.shape[0])):
            row_j = df.iloc[j]
            price_ = row_j['Low']
            pct_chg = price_/item['enter_price']
            if (pct_chg<= (1 - TRADE_CONFIG['STOP_LOSS'])) | (pct_chg >= (1 + TRADE_CONFIG['KEEP_PROFIT'])):
        item['exit_date'] =
        item['exit_price'] = price_
        item['hold_days'] = j - i
        i = j 
        print('exit:', i)
enter:  35
exit: 52
enter:  76
exit: 83
enter:  102
exit: 110
enter:  138
exit: 140
enter:  147
exit: 149
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enter:  210
exit: 212
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enter:  1020
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enter:  1041
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enter:  1100
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enter:  1120
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enter:  1142
exit: 1147
enter:  1156
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enter:  1183
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enter:  1194
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enter:  1237
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enter:  1249
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enter:  1277
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enter:  1294
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enter:  1366
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enter:  2384
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enter:  2409
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enter:  2436
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enter:  2534
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enter:  2659
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enter:  2693
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enter:  2731
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enter:  2761
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enter:  2785
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enter:  2810
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enter:  2818
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enter:  2867
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enter:  2888
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enter:  2958
exit: 2997
enter:  2983
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enter:  2997
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enter:  3021
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enter:  3043
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enter:  3113
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enter:  3126
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enter:  3157
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enter:  3165
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enter:  3227
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enter:  3233
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enter:  3288
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enter:  3352
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enter:  3383
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enter:  3405
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enter:  3450
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enter:  3465
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enter:  3504
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enter:  3515
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enter:  3534
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enter:  3606
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enter:  3611
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enter:  3624
exit: 3643
enter:  3653
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enter:  3668
exit: 3672
enter:  3713
exit: 3721
enter:  3745
exit: 3765
enter:  3795
exit: 3799
enter:  3829
exit: 3861
df_trades = pd.DataFrame(data = trades)
(113, 6)
def cal_pnl(trade):
    shares = int(TRADE_CONFIG['INIT_CAPITAL']/trade['enter_price'])
    if shares < TRADE_CONFIG['MIN_TRADE_SIZE']:
        shares = 0
    elif shares > TRADE_CONFIG['MAX_TRADE_SIZE']:
        shares = TRADE_CONFIG['MAX_TRADE_SIZE']
    pnl = shares*(trade['exit_price'] - trade['enter_price']) - shares*trade['enter_price']*TRADE_CONFIG['COST']
    return pnl
df_trades['pnl'] = df_trades.apply(lambda x: cal_pnl(x), axis=1)
df_trades['pnl'].sum(), (df_trades['pnl']>0).mean()
(-29470.04119500001, 0.4336283185840708)
signal_date enter_date enter_price exit_date exit_price hold_days pnl
0 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 17.53 2007-07-18 18.79 17 683.227650
1 2007-08-21 2007-08-22 16.57 2007-08-30 14.94 7 -1017.860985
2 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 15.95 2007-10-09 17.06 8 659.913550
3 2007-11-16 2007-11-19 17.54 2007-11-20 15.13 2 -1408.692300
4 2007-11-30 2007-12-03 17.76 2007-12-04 15.86 2 -1104.696080
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
108 2021-11-24 2021-11-26 36.95 2021-12-01 33.40 4 -993.417750
109 2022-01-31 2022-02-01 40.57 2022-02-10 43.31 8 639.109230
110 2022-03-17 2022-03-18 37.92 2022-04-14 41.33 20 861.924640
111 2022-05-27 2022-05-31 42.45 2022-06-03 38.06 4 -1066.565125
112 2022-07-19 2022-07-20 33.08 2022-09-01 29.94 32 -983.245560

113 rows × 7 columns



